Monday, March 3, 2008


Ah in a misspent youth I had a flair for hats. I had a fedora, a jester's cap a couple of berets, a Cat in the Hat Tophat and a few caps as well. Never really went for the baseball hat, but I found the ones I like best. These days I wear the occasional winter cap, for the cold, but that's about it.

On a whim I hit, and I must admit, the old jonesin for a hat came back. the boris. the porkpie, an agean greek fisherman's hat. So many wonderful hats.

I'd look ridiculous in most, but man, I do admire a really nice hat. A clean style. A well made hat is a wonderful thing. Styles a thing I appreciate even if I'm not one to invoke, and while I won't be mistaken as stylish or in vogue, I will say, I do appreciate a true timeless style. There is something very classic about hats. What would Indy be without the fedora? Or Steed without his bowler? An elegant artifact of a more civilized era... Perhaps their gone, perhaps they'll make a comeback. I'd never say for sure.

All I know is, I think I need a few new hats.

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