Saturday, May 31, 2008

Broke from Vegas!

I had a nice set of habits that were apparently not perfect habits yet that disappeared when I was in Vegas and have yet to reassert themselves nicely. The ones I miss the most: Good eating habits, exercise habit and blogging. I'm SLOWLY getting back on the eating track.

I'm doing really baddly on the exercise track, but I think that one has been down for awhile. I think I'll go and do the Bodyweight 500 program again. I've also busted out my weights again, so I can start lifting on a regular basis. I'm running at least once a week, but I want to try and get more intervals in. Maybe I can mix it up with running and biking. I want to try biking to work one of these days. Doing a race tomorrow, the Greenfield Glide 5k. I ran it last year in 35:17.7 at an average pace of 11:23/M. I've inproved a good deal since then. I think I can do a 10 minute mile easy, so I'm shooting for a 9:30/M in this race. I really need to tone up the exercise and resume the good eating habits. I want to drop another 15 lbs this year. I think I can do it, but I need to start putting some effort back into it again.

As to the blogging, I suppose I could excuse myself and say I've been writing in other places, but to be honest I've just been forgetting. I need to start making my blogging habit a priority again. Posting earlier in the day instead of leaving it for last would help.
That said, I think I'm starting to find my writing groove again. I need to keep working it. I have a few articles I've got planned, I just need to execute now.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Article is over to the editor. I have the next article lined up so going to start writing soon. I set a goal of 10 articles this year, and that seems really unrealistic at the moment. I think I need to work with others to try and make that happens as I don't think I can get to 10 articles on my own. We'll see though.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Came in last night dead to the world. Had a great trip out East, but now I'm back. Fridge is stocked with a bit of junk as we came in dead, so grabbed a pizza. Also brought home a cheesesteak from Michael's. Is teh goodness as they say on the interweb. Looking to catch up with the world and then get rolling in some new directions. Started reading the book Susan sent me and it made me realize focus some plans that had been floating about. I have some items to focus on, starting with time planning, but going in to training and weight loss as well as work progress. The new book has given me some insight into all of it. Just need to look at how to proceed.

Monday, May 26, 2008

slacking again

Out of town for the weekend, so avoiding the pc thing as much as possible. Will probably post some more when I get back. Maybe.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Moving on

Draft is completed, but still feeling incomplete. Going to try and get a bit further with my Zero experiments. Hopefully I'll be able to get an app working in Zero. Next step will then be to chose the next project to turn to next. I suspect it will be related to virtualization, either in the cloud or perhaps building a VMWare image for use with Zero, either for my use or general use.

For the last few months I've been in a bit of malaise about what I was doing, but at the moment I feel myself getting engaged with different ideas and projects and it is really giving me a lot of energy.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

outta juice

spent too much time the last few days on paper and work. Need some cycles to recover. May just call it an early night.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

hd antics

Last night, got home to edit my paper, boot the laptop.. and hung. Ubuntu wasn't happily sharing my desktop with me. It was having issues booting. After panicing a few times a reboot restored things. So spent the rest of the night identifying what I want to keep and moving it off.

Didn't finish it off, but got enough that if it died today I wouldn't miss too much. Still have more to try and move off, but at least I can get started on this machine. I'm bringing up a new laptop faster that I intended, but up it must come.

New box is Ubuntu 8.04. Looks nice, still getting a handle on it all. No VMWare from Canonical yet, but I have found workarounds for it. New graphics look cool, but after trying them out, I shut'em off again. Starting to play with screenlets, but I'll let that play out over time.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Article is coming along nicely and I'm having fun playing with the different tech. Experimenting with the gadgets and fiddling with Zero/sMash feed flows actually works out pretty well. I may play with this further to build some interesting feeds and flows to do something interesting. But for now the playing is good enough.

I've got my eye on a few future projects, but I am trying to keep it real by focusing on one project at a time. Making a point of keeping only 8 hours to Project A (my official work project). And then taking any extra cycles towards my fun projects. It seems to be working better for me.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Offline...and back to the future

Spent two days offline. Friday, just to stay away from the internet. Saturday, spent the time on the pc drilling down on a new article. One of my goals this year was to write more, and between this blog and a few ideas I have, I think I'll make good on this goal.

Working out how I want to handle the rest of the year. Building plans for the next 3 months. I need to figure out what I want to prioritize, and then start moving forward. Some items (in order)
  • Make time everyday for A & Z
  • Make health a priority
    • Entering racing season, I want to get more runs in per week
    • I've been slacking on my strength training. Got to get back to a balanced routine
    • Eat well. Cut the junk further
    • Sleep!
  • Writing and IC. Make time to read, absorb and write. The daily writing to the blog is a good start,but I need to start writing earlier in the day, rather than just at the end. Write more articles and practice towards a book.
This is how I want to prioritize my time over the next few months. Z is already 8 month old, and that went by way to fast. We found a video recording we made the 1st week she was home. She's changed so much since then, and I'm not willing to miss too much more. I will enjoy that time. The health and fitness gives me base to build the rest of my life on. If I'm sick or tired, I can't get anything done, so I need to prioritize taking care of myself and getting a strong foundation to build everything else on. Exercise is also a good way to reinforce focus. When I exercise I think about what I'm doing and I don't let my mind wander too far. To drive all the things I want to get done, focus is the key.

The Writing and IC is a mental form of exercise. Exploring new ideas and communicating them is critical. Having a great idea but not being able to share it with others is worthless. I'd like to play with more ideas and start mixing them up.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

grinding forward

Getting a handle on things again. The break was good, now I can focus a bit more. Still need to start up some of the other good habits. My exercise habit has drifted way south of where I want it to be. Trying some morning pushups, but really I need to start the full body work outs again. Part of that is a reference to needing to clean up my workout area, a project I think I can tackle this weekend. It feels good to have some projects behind me that I can focus forward again. I have a bunch of things starting to pile up, but we'll see what else I can add to the story.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Too much going on, but flowing in the right direction. Trying to cap things from getting too out of control and maintain some sense of balance. Not sure if I'm succeeding, but I'm trying. Putting a few irons in the fire to see what comes. We'll see if anything comes of it all.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

mixing and other items.

So yesterday was pretty much just a pure quote but I think it reflects my thinking a good bit. I think I'll do a small remix exercise to turn into a mashup exercise. Lots of good information there to pick thru and reuse.

Got the P0/sMash Milestone 7 to run the Web Based IDE today. Works pretty well. Working on transforming it into something interesting now. Lots of new plans and ideas forming and growing. Realizing now that I need to bring more to work now to survive there. Reading Work-Life Balancing and recognizing how much I need to keep my passion in my work. Not by trying to be passionate about my Project A, but rather keeping side projects that reflect my passions and get me going. Time to remix my job.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Quick Mix Theory 101

From The Pirate's Dilemma

  • A big idea (this doesn't have to be your own; a borrowed one will do);
  • An idea of who is on your dance floor (Audience)
  • A handful of other people's ideas (chopped up)
  • A pinch of originality
1. Take your big idea. This can be something you've worked on, thinking about, have, or want. If you are on a train it could be the seat under you, or the girl opposite's earrings. It really doesn't matter; literally anything will do. This is your base, the subject you're going to remix.
2. Break the idea down into its component parts. In a song that would mean the drums, base line, strings, vocals, etc. Separate out the things that work and don't work. If this was a dub version of a record, we'd lose the vocals and turn up the drums and bass. If it's the seat on the train is it comfy? Aesthetically pleasing? What is it made of? How are the parts joined together? Pare it down -- look at what's good and what's deadwood.
3. Next, think about the end users, your dance floor, the people consuming your remix. Who are they? What do they want? How can you reedit the base, the way Tom Moulton did,to better suit their needs? IF the seat on the train, what would you need to do to it to put it in a trendy bar? How could you repurpose it so it was right for an old folks home? Who are the people on your dance floor? What keeps them moving? What causes them to walk away? How are you going to make them go crazy?
4. Now look at your base again. Maybe there was an element you missed that would work really well or something that, on second thought you overestimated. If it's a record,a producer might think he needs louder bass, less treble, or more cowbell. DJ Kool Herc focused soley on using the break beats in disco and funk records, because this was the only part of the record his audience of break dancers was interested in. If it's the train seat for the old folks' home, maybe you need to think about that lower back support. The remix is about taking an idea and making it suitable for a whole new audience.
5. The idea should already look very different, but we're just getting started. What you've done so far is a simple reedit. Now it's time to apply some quick mix theory. Go back to your dance floor, look at the other ideas out there that get it moving and sample them. Line up your idea your idea next to other things your audience seems to be into. When Afrika Bambaataaa and Arthur Baker made "Planet Rock," their base was two records by the German group Kraftwerk, which where popular in New York at the time. But they also knew the punks and disco kids downtown liked hip-hop and the uptown hip-hop heads were feeling disco breaks, so they sampled elements from records that alread had these ingredients, and reused them to hook in these two different crowds.
Look at your new samples the same way you look at your base, chery-pick the best elements, and discard the rest. Once you have them distilled, work out how you an apply these new ingredients. Our old folks' train seat hybrid might benefit from a set of wheels, so why not mix it up with a golf cart? Or mash it up with a La-Z-Boy to make it more comfy, or even add some hopped-up hydraulics from a muscle car to help people get in and out of it more easily, controlled with technology our audience is already used to, swiped straight from a Craftmatic adjustable bed. Where will these new samples all sit in the mix? Once they're in and it's working, stand back and take another look.
6. The idea you are now looking at can be considered a remix, a new original arrangement that contains elements from previous original works or works. Through good reediting of samples, great new original material can be produced from unoriginal parts. But just like Bam and Arthur added rapping and a drum machine to their samples, throwing in something completely original isn't a bad idea. A good remix is defined by its signature original isn't a bad idea. A good remix is defined by its signature original elements. It might be composing a new base line, playing some in some new keys, or adding a new kick drum. You may decide the originality is already there; an original process or take on sampled materials counts. Or you may end up with one tiny piece of the original mixed with an entirely new score of your own. Either way, your originality should outshine the borrowed elements, or at the very least, present them ina new light. A good remix adds value to something. If everything has gone right, you should now have a new idea that contains elements from, but is independent of, the original. The new idea is a remix. Garnish and serve.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


After a week in Vegas, I have returned! Technically got back two days ago, but really getting back in gear. Ran the Race for the Cure this morning. Took it easy and managed a 33 minute 42 second run. Averaged around an 11 minute mile, but I wasn't pushing much after a week in Vegas plus the enormous crowd of people. It was a fun little run that I got to run along with my wife's sister-in-law. Look forward to a few more races this year, and getting back in the running habit.

Catching up with life, and spending time with Zoe and Amy. Did a good bit of reading which I will be writing up here hopefully in the next few days. Also managed to build a HUGE to read pile, that I look forward to taking apart. Now that I have finished up my lab experience, looking forward to focusing on other projects.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Slower posting that I thought. Good sessions today. WSTC is getting a bit worn. Just too much going on to get enthused. Got sick again today, but felt better after a bit of a rest. Need to spend some time tomorrow polishing my presentation an lab.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


...stop... ellipses...

Just realized that the last few posts have had a few too many ellipses and had to stop it as only Kirk could stop them.

In other news, spent some time reading and pondering on the plane. Came to a conclusion of sorts. I thought about what I want to do with this blog. I started thinking about the good life. What makes a good life? What would make my life good? What does it take to live good? To Live good. This is not just the consumption of goods, but more the mix of what is good living? What are my values and my priorities. It kind falls into the space of inquiry that I've started with different directions in my life. More on this after more reflection.


we're good.

Posting should continue for the rest of the week.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

with luck...

I'll post again in a few hours.

Otherwise, expect a week free of posting :)

Friday, May 2, 2008


Reading list for the next week:
The Not So Big Life
Here Comes Everybody by Clay Shirky
The Pirate's Dilemma

Perhaps a leadership book as well?

Counting down...

Not as happy as I was hoping to be with the lab. I'll live with it. I really feel crushed at the moment with too many things I owe to too many people. Calling a late night again, hopefully the last one for a while.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

these late nights...

are not conducive to much beyond getting sick. Going to crash soon. The new parts for my lab look good. My lab presentation needs a good bit of work, but will try and get that done tommorow. Taking a half day to spend some time with Z & A Friday. So much going on. Can't wait for Wednesday to be over!