Spent two days offline. Friday, just to stay away from the internet. Saturday, spent the time on the pc drilling down on a new article. One of my goals this year was to write more, and between this blog and a few ideas I have, I think I'll make good on this goal.
Working out how I want to handle the rest of the year. Building plans for the next 3 months. I need to figure out what I want to prioritize, and then start moving forward. Some items (in order)
- Make time everyday for A & Z
- Make health a priority
- Entering racing season, I want to get more runs in per week
- I've been slacking on my strength training. Got to get back to a balanced routine
- Eat well. Cut the junk further
- Sleep!
- Writing and IC. Make time to read, absorb and write. The daily writing to the blog is a good start,but I need to start writing earlier in the day, rather than just at the end. Write more articles and practice towards a book.
This is how I want to prioritize my time over the next few months. Z is already 8 month old, and that went by way to fast. We found a video recording we made the 1st week she was home. She's changed so much since then, and I'm not willing to miss too much more. I will enjoy that time. The health and fitness gives me base to build the rest of my life on. If I'm sick or tired, I can't get anything done, so I need to prioritize taking care of myself and getting a strong foundation to build everything else on. Exercise is also a good way to reinforce focus. When I exercise I think about what I'm doing and I don't let my mind wander too far. To drive all the things I want to get done, focus is the key.
The Writing and IC is a mental form of exercise. Exploring new ideas and communicating them is critical. Having a great idea but not being able to share it with others is worthless. I'd like to play with more ideas and start mixing them up.
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