Saturday, July 19, 2008

Prioritizing my reading

I have at any given time, a good stack of books to work through. I enjoy reading, and my subject matter has grown wider over time. But the question quickly becomes what to read first? Thinking about it tonight, I decided it all depends on my goal. There is a lot of material I want to cover, and not a lot of time available. I can at least think about what goals I want to reach and pick up something that matches that particular goal.

That said I got a nice haul from halfprice this week. A few business, personal development, investing and at least one fun read. Finding fiction is getting hard for me. I should really try and find more to try. That said, I'm finding lots of nonfiction that I find interesting that I enjoy digging into. Too much to learn and to experiment with. Just got to keep moving forward with what I can.

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