Monday, September 22, 2008


100 Days left in 2008.
13 Weeks.

Not a lot of time to get things done. A good deadline though.

So what do I want to do with my life? A few goals:
- Write a book
- Run a marathon
- 100 pushups in a row
- 20 pullups/chinups
- Read 100 books for 2008 (I've read 45)
- Replace windows

I can't do all of them in 100 days, but I am going to see how many I can accomplish.


plexor said...

Hi Jay,
Received an email from you and was prompted to come back here.
Found this comment.....
Just recently *I* too noted 100 days left in 2008.
Looking at you with your small children I realised I don't really have any excuses for not getting much more done!

A good friend commented that I seem to have evolved further in another jump and they were right. It is time.

So within 100 days I will invite you to ...... something different (really!) :-)

Observations from a True Alchemist:
NEVER stress your body to pass a pain barrier. (Athletes always die younger and usually badly).
NEVER run unless pursued by something trying to kill you that you really fear, for running is the ultimate trigger for fear in yourself. Then if you add pain to it (long-distance running)the flood of cortisol in the body shortens life dramatically.
The "runner's "high" is actually the pre-death physiological symptom as the body literally prepares to die.
Anyone that has almost died can tell you of the "last moments" and the peace that comes with it.
Try Tai Chi - particularly Ba Jua Jin. The only exercise type used by the REAL masters of Kai Tai ( mortal combat - not playing ). My own master instructor was 102. I never laid a finger on him and he could have killed me at any time.
Books: Me too.
But remember this: Anyone who reads books and doesn't apply the knowledge, is no better off than an illiterate.
(I'm drastically cutting back on reading volume).
There you are - half your life back and lots of time! :-)
Replace Windows......
*You* just might be able to do it. For non-technicals - still too hard. Nobody has been able to help me get audio running in Ubuntu)on my systems.

Solution (mine): Install VirtualBox under Windows, install a "day" copy of Windows in a Virtual Box and NEVER go out on the Net unless inside it.
(I use Dragon Naturally speaking voice-2-text. Only available for Windows and I can't do without it)

There! Now you've got time to work on your software. HINT!
I still can't figure out how the snipurl was added to your program by whoever gave it to me.

Jay Palat said...

Hi John,

Thanks for the comments! Running for me is about getting out and getting focus. I started by walking/running home from work, but found that I enjoyed being outside and focusing on something physical. The Pushups/pullup goals are a similar thing, the striving and accomplishment are different than the day-to-day hassles. I enjoy he challenge but I'm not trying to kill myself doing it. I'm respectful of pain as I don't have time for injury. I used to practice the martial arts, but wandered away years ago when I REALLy didn't have enough time. Haven't found a school in my area that I'd be happy to go back to yet. But someday.

A good point on reading. I'm trying to mix it up a little more with fiction and nonfiction. I strongly agree, that reading without application is really just a vanity.

Your comment on windows confused me for a moment, but then I realized I was being unclear :) I'm talking about replacing the windows on my house. I moved away from Microsoft Windows just about completely about 2 years ago now. I moved to Linux and OSX and I'm pretty happy with the switch. I still maintain a VMware image of Windows for Visio, but I'm pretty happy replacing Office with Open Office/Neo Office and Google Docs.

plexor said...

Oh, you meant windows not Windoze! :-)
I am much opposed to the "idiot box" (TV) with the exception of the PBS in Oz where I live.

BUT it is quite addictive/mesmerising for me and can be a major time-cost for me. However, shows made without real commercial regard can be quite fascinating.

An excellent documentary showing here currently is about the near-genocide of the Aborigine inhabitants of Tasmania.
(It would have been extinction but they couldn't find them all, they only thought they did......)

What is most appalling is that the story was nothing new and is still being repeated at this very moment all over the world.

In fact to me, perhaps the most chilling observation is to do with "public health". The deliberate toxification of the population for either one, of the two infamous reasons,is still hard to fathom.

A sore personal point for me as Queensland, Australia was the last holdout in the entire western world against forced "medication" and despite a 92% negative poll, we are about to forcibly "calmed" by having two evils at once: fluoridation of the water supply and "chemically reconstituted" treated effluent delivered directly to the water distribution network.

To close on a more positive note:
I'm passing your product details on to numerous people as it is such a timesaver for anyone doing serious research and/or needing to cite sources.
The only thing I'm still missing is that lost extra function of adding a snipurl as well.

I think you should look into doing a similar thing to
but directly based on your utility.

In fact, I am going to put aside some space on my new Server for a similar idea and would be happy to add yours.