Friday, February 29, 2008

Market Driven Development?

This is kinda cool.

Ubuntu has created a site called Brainstorm that allows users to vote up the priority of features to be developed by the Ubuntu team in a digg style interface.

It allows community members to submit their own ideas and give direct feedback of what kind of features they would like to provide. I think I have a new project I'd like to tackle :)

This would be a really great system for gathering and disseminating user feedback.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

last minute save!

Almost forgot to post! Fortunately I have not blown the contest within the first week. :)

Spending a good part of my working through the testing of Project A for a Monday deployment. Deadline is dropping faster, but the team is good and we're making solid progress. A lot to think about for the next milestone.

Thinking through another set of projects. Some for work some for fun. Looking at earning another Mozilla t-shirt by updating my Firefox plugin to Firefox 3. Also starting to pull together some ideas for a plugin entry for Extend Firefox 3.

Also need to starting pulling my Lab together for WSTC -- 21 days to pull it all together!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

So trying to think about what to post.

Mostly thinking about my current project at work, Project A, which is on it's way to deployment. Always a fun path. Thinking, I should be thinking about work a little bit less :)

Thinking about the contest I won -- named the department. We are now ISSW for IBM (I4I). My lasting mark on the department :)

Thinking about learning a new language. I'm a little predisposed towards python for some reason. Also thinking about my next entry in the Extend Firefox contest. Maybe a synthesis of the two?

Thinking I need to work on getting a hobby again.

Thinking about 'Won't you Wear a Sweater Day' a tribute to Fred Rodgers.

Thinking that the last thing I finished reading was a little too long ago.

Thinking I'm done for the day.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

So what do I want to use this blog for? A platform to Think Out There. Ideas as they say rot on the vine. They lose their timeliness, their impact without discussion or action. So this is a platform to talk ideas. Mostly technology, but a mix of other stuff as well, as the interest rises.

This is also my platform for keeping honest on my projects. I have a few ideas in flight and I need a place to communicate what I am doing, what I want to do and what I've done. What kind of projects do I have in flight?

- I've got my plugin : QuoteUrlText
- A few papers in the air
- My webpage redo
- WebApp Development
- Language experiments (programming mostly -- python, ruby, erlang, etc)

My attention tends to wander so a few other topics in play at the moment
- bit and atoms/ personal fabrication
- personal simplification

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Challenge is on!

So today, I'm picking a challenge from my friend Joe to do a post a day for 3 months. We're trying to get in the habit of being better communicators and enter the world of blogging.

So this site is a share what's in my head for now, perhaps a theme will evolve over time. We'll see how it goes!