Friday, March 14, 2008

Next Gen quoteurltext.

Always an interesting task figuring out what the next generation of a software will be. I'm mostly happy with what I have in quoteurltext, but there is always room for improvement. I'm looking at ways I can improve the capabilities. Perhaps giving more options for quote templates? Or adding a web service integration to allow users to store quotes to servers? Not sure I want to run a software as a service around this, but the concept is kinda neat.

That kinda give me an idea of a plugin that syncs with my history and my quotes to give me the paths I follow from a given quote. Or a way to interact with the web of sites connected to quoted material. Actually, let me take that step forward -- linking items chronologically as well as thematically.

That could be fun to write. Have a service that accepts a quote, source, timestamp and tags. Then generate maps that link items based on tags, or timestamp/progressions or any combo there of. Ambitious, but interesting. The tough part would be the visualization tech. Perhaps Flex?


plexor said...

Found you!
Hello Jay,
What a valuable product this has been for me as a very busy researcher/writer. THANK YOU!

Your comments are fascinating as to the future development, but I see that was way back in March.....

On a simple level, I already had your product from somewhere/someone - and it was pre-configured differently.
I FINALLY (non-geek!!!) figured out how to alter the new copy I got after a rehash of Firefox.
(Didn't even know the name, just used it...)

However, it was also somehow connecting to Snipurl and including that as well in the format.
Can't see how to get THAT really useful function back.

However as for the "future musings" - wow.
Might I suggest adding a support forum somewhere? With a Newby section! :-)

Thanks again for this great utility.

plexor said...

woops! forgot to request email follow-ups .... see - definitely a non-geek. :-)

Jay Palat said...

Hi John!

Thanks for the comment! Glad you're enjoying the plugin! Unfortunately life has intervened and I haven't had a chance to hit any of my grandiose plans yet, but I will get back to it.

I have been thinking about creating a forum for quoteurltext, or putting out a blog so folks can readily get info about it.

Unknown said...

Hi. I run the popular URL snipping service called SnipURL. Several of our more advanced users, people who own newsletters with big IT magazines and such, are asking for more advanced functionality, especially with Firefox addons. If you're interested I'd love to discuss some ideas of integrating our functionality with your interesting plugin. Please get in touch with me to discuss further if this is of interest. Thanks!