Saturday, April 26, 2008

Reflective surfaces

Heads in an odd spot this morning so going with it to see where it goes. I have a meeting with my manager this week to discuss my career as part of my annual planning. A week after my birthday seems like I should be doing some thinking about my plans for life as well. I'm vaguely surprised that I've turned into someone who wants to have a 5 year plan, but life is full of surprises. I am waking to a world of ambitions and dreams. Most fairly pedestrian but I'm starting to see the value of dreaming big. What does it take to feel alive? Attention and focus. Go figure. So it pays to be careful with where and what I spend my time on.

A strange phrase "Spend my time", like I consume time like I consume goods. Figuring out how I consume my money and time seem to be well linked but a direction I would like to decouple. I realize now that I can be a bit frivolous towards my money. I can do better at consuming less but enjoying life more.

But I digress. I have a great deal of thinking to do and planning to take care of, but most importantly I need a way to look at how I execute, when I execute and measure and react to what I do.

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