Sunday, April 6, 2008

Started the day early -- Z couldn't quite decide if she was up, which left her in cranky, noisy state. Fortunately she got settled back in for a nap. Unfortunately I didn't settle back in. Instead got my run going. Did the Schenley Loop in 44 minutes 32 seconds. I may be creaky tommorow but that wasn't too bad. I'm going for distance and time, figuring I'll pick up speed later. I did a good 25 minute run, followed by 5 minutes walking, then 12 minutes of run, then a run walk cycle of much shorter intervals. Still not bad for a Sunday morning. Need to try and get some good runs in this week as well.

Interesting article titled Death and Taxes from Men's Health Magazine. The summary was that the author's tax advisor passed away. In five weeks from diagnosis to death. I found it most interesting from the tag line -- where will you be in 5 weeks. In thinking ahead I tend to go for longer horizons, but there is something to be said for 5 week goals. It is an incarnation of agile, with smaller deliveries towards larger goals. I had a goal realization today when I figured out that I tend to focus on the career track because it is a track. It has well defined levels that make it easy to checklist and plan against. The rest of life doesn't have such nice milestones. Or rather it doesn't have them as well documented. It takes dreams and planning to create those milestones and perseverance to make them a reality.

The other quote of the day that strikes me is from the liner notes of Cowboy Mouth's 1996 album "Are you With Me?" by Patrick H. LeBalanc, who passed away in 1995, "To you who are still alive what are the things that are truly important? And while you are still alive, what are you doing about them?" Good food for thought.

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