Wednesday, February 27, 2008

So trying to think about what to post.

Mostly thinking about my current project at work, Project A, which is on it's way to deployment. Always a fun path. Thinking, I should be thinking about work a little bit less :)

Thinking about the contest I won -- named the department. We are now ISSW for IBM (I4I). My lasting mark on the department :)

Thinking about learning a new language. I'm a little predisposed towards python for some reason. Also thinking about my next entry in the Extend Firefox contest. Maybe a synthesis of the two?

Thinking I need to work on getting a hobby again.

Thinking about 'Won't you Wear a Sweater Day' a tribute to Fred Rodgers.

Thinking that the last thing I finished reading was a little too long ago.

Thinking I'm done for the day.