Friday, February 29, 2008

Market Driven Development?

This is kinda cool.

Ubuntu has created a site called Brainstorm that allows users to vote up the priority of features to be developed by the Ubuntu team in a digg style interface.

It allows community members to submit their own ideas and give direct feedback of what kind of features they would like to provide. I think I have a new project I'd like to tackle :)

This would be a really great system for gathering and disseminating user feedback.

1 comment:

joe said...

We've been needing a digg internally :)

Some thoughts:
This is a good way to get an idea of how many people/companies want a feature.

In commercial world, many times it's which customer is paying the most or worked the deal to get the features.

The free side tends to be driven by the developer itches and abilities.

In a mixed environment, something like internal corporate, the digg style may work REALLY well.

Internal customer satisfaction is garnered by the number of happy users (easily measured by doing what they ask).