Wednesday, May 21, 2008

hd antics

Last night, got home to edit my paper, boot the laptop.. and hung. Ubuntu wasn't happily sharing my desktop with me. It was having issues booting. After panicing a few times a reboot restored things. So spent the rest of the night identifying what I want to keep and moving it off.

Didn't finish it off, but got enough that if it died today I wouldn't miss too much. Still have more to try and move off, but at least I can get started on this machine. I'm bringing up a new laptop faster that I intended, but up it must come.

New box is Ubuntu 8.04. Looks nice, still getting a handle on it all. No VMWare from Canonical yet, but I have found workarounds for it. New graphics look cool, but after trying them out, I shut'em off again. Starting to play with screenlets, but I'll let that play out over time.

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