Saturday, March 22, 2008

Running late

Trying to get my lab together for WSTC and falling behind a good bit. Need to really pick up the pace. I have the outline together now, but the full lab instructions will take some work. Projects in the air at the moment:
- WSTC Lab
- Caching proposal for Project A
- Market Driven Development / CakePHP
- WSTC Lecture
- Presenting to the Project A Core Team Wednesday. Need to prep some slides.

Not quite in the air yet
- Firefox Extension : I want to update Quoteurltext, but I think I'd like to submit something new that plays with the new firefox 3 feature set.

At a different layer of play
- Between visitors and sickness we've stalled abit at the house cleanup. Need to start picking up on that again.
- Got to start running again. Went out last Sunday, and while it hurt, it was good. Managed the first mile well, the second and third -- not quite so proud. But April is almost here and the summer race season soon to follow. My goal for this year is to see if I can break an 8:30 for the Great Race.
- Reading 100 books this year is going slow. I've had a few slow starts in past years, but with Z here, I suspect I'm not really going to make good progress. Stuck in the middle of a bunch of books. Still need to log the last 4 I completed.

I have some bare outlines for the lab, but I need a draft for Monday. I need to get Xen going and try to upload a VM image to ESX on Monday.

The MDD/Cake PHP development is shaping up slowly, but it feels like therapy, of being able to touch the code and actually make some of my ideas real. I forget how good it feels to actually dig into to code and solve issues at that level. Very different from the juggling I do day-to-day.

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