Sunday, March 9, 2008

Updates and such

Thanks to Amy for reminding me 10 to midnite that I still need to post.

So searching further for a server solution for the house, the build vs buy debate seems to be falling clearly toward build. The max memory supported from most of the desktop machines out there seems to be 8GB of memory. Normally more that enough, but if I max it out now, can I expand later? I've found a few motherboards that support 16 GB of memory. I'll probably only max out at 8 GB for now, but nice to know I have some headroom available.

Coded up some updates to QuoteURLText. Submitted for review. Should publish version 1.0.7 sometime tomorrow. I'll link when I get confirmation. Reading thru the reviews and comments there seems to be a set of errors that I haven't been able to track down. I've added a debug mode so we'll see if that helps me figure out what's going on.

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