Monday, January 19, 2009

Slowwing down on my postings. Got to get back on track with that. The sad part is the posting decrease is proportional to the amount of progress I have made on my goals. I hit a bit of a rut this week so fighting my way back to making progress. (To be fair, one of my goals is trying to get that work life balance thing. I've watched two movies and finished two really good books.)

I have started my next iPhone application. Targeted around building a tool to manage my reading lists. I have large piles that need to be worked, either in the purchase phase or the to be read. I'm overthinking the process so far building a cadillac in my head, rather than a volkswagon in the real world. (Or as real as one gets when talking about software). I am overthinking my persistance models, when I should prototype and see where that gets me. Simplicty is hard.

Making progress on my pushup goal, I've managed to keep the routine going well for the week. Prepping for the race is not going quite as well. I need to figure out a concrete plan for that this week.

Trying to refocus my head on where I want to go. Recognizing that I'm not in the right place, but struggling to understand what will be the right place for me. I'll keep working it.

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